Letter From Membership Secretary – May 2020
Dear Members,
During the shutdown the committee have been meeting on-line frequently to manage the club business, organise interim shutdown activity, arrange and carry out essential maintenance and minimise expenses as much as possible in addition to examining and seeking alternative financial options made available by the government.
However, as you are aware, the Club relies primarily on membership fees and donations to fund its expenses and maintenance costs. Currently, approximately a third of our 2019 members have not renewed their Membership, and a quarter of last year’s sailors have yet to renew their Berthing. This has resulted in our income being reduced by a third. This makes both planning and meeting the club’s financial commitments difficult. Whilst we understand that this may be a difficult time financially for some of you, it would us help to know members position on renewal and maintaining their membership fees for 2020-21.
For those that do wish to renew their membership for this current year, the forms can be downloaded from the clubs website at:
Renewal can be completed either by filling out and emailing a copy of the Membership Renewal form to me, BRSC Membership Secretary, at: brscmembership@gmail.com or, if you’re not able to email the form to me then you can send an email to brscmembership@gmail.com to confirm that you wish to renew. Please let me know if your details are unchanged from last year as this makes things simpler.
For either of the alternatives the fees will be checked and an email sent to you to confirm. Payments can then be made by either Bank Transfer using the details on the Form, or by Direct Debit using the club’s instalment payment system.
If you are planning on remaining a member for the 2020-21 membership year, but will be looking at renewing and paying the fees due at a later date, then it would help our future planning if you could let me know. (Because of the difficult circumstances existing at this time the Committee have decided that the renewal fee for late payment by members will be waived in 2020). However, we would still be requesting that fees are cleared by December as normal.
If for any reason you have decided that you do not wish to renew for this current year then it would help us in our financial projection calculations if you could let me know.
One further request for anyone making payments by Direct Debit and who are in a position to pay the remainder of this year’s fees in one payment, please let me know as this would help the club’s cash flow in the current situation.
Please click here to see the message from our Commodore, Rachael.
Best wishes,
BRSC Membership Secretary